
World Mission

We are called to bear witness to Jesus Christ in every part of the world, in every sphere of society and in every area of life.

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A Heart for the World

We believe that working with God in his global mission to bring everything under the Lordship of Christ is the amazing privilege of every Christian.

Throughout 2019-20 we supported over 20 projects around the world.


All Souls Project Giving

We seek to give to projects and organisations that align with our World Mission values. Find out more about the the types of projects and organisations we support, including details of how to apply to the World Mission Fund.

Give to World Mission

As a church we want to be generous in supporting our mission partners through our interest, our gifts and our prayers. Our giving is used to support 40 Mission Partners and make significant gifts to projects and organisations involved in a range of mission work worldwide.

Would you prayerfully consider whether God is calling you to take part in mission worldwide? By partnering with us, you can help through projects around the globe to encourage and strengthen Christians facing hardship.

Get Involved

There are many ways you can be involved with World Mission at All Souls and everyone can participate!

Pray for World Mission

Praying is vital – for our Mission Partners, persecuted Christians and those around the world who do not yet know Christ.

Resource your church

We have many resources to help you equip your home church to be more engaged in World Mission.

Have a desire to go?

All Souls regularly sends teams on short-term mission trips. Find out how you can get involved.


Our Vision, Values and Aims

Discover more about the vision for our World Mission ministry, the values we hold and what we aim to achieve through the work that is done.

Natasha Rayan, World Mission Minister at All Souls Langham Place
Natasha Rayan

World Mission Minister

Natasha leads our World Mission ministry, providing assistance to our Mission Partners as well as the other projects and organisations we support.

Global Vision Team

Discover how you can be part of our Global Vision initiative. A chance to learn, grow and support some of our Mission Partners around the world, as well as experiencing how God works in a different culture and environment.