
World Mission Projects

Find out more about the projects we supported as a church in 2019-20.

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Where does your money go?

Below is a list of work we’re supporting as a church family through the World Mission Fund, 2024-25. It’s a joyful privilege to help reach the unreached, lend a hand to brothers and sisters facing persecution, bolster local initiatives caring for people in dire need and more.

* missionaries from the church family we’ve sent out and support

  • Allen* represents the Overseas Missionary Fellowship (OMF) in London and South East England and teaches at All Nations College, a missionary training school, to equip the next generation of cross-cultural mission workers.
  • Choices Islington cares for women through the dilemma of unplanned pregnancy, and we’re helping fund their community counselling service.
  • Daada* mobilises diaspora churches in London to participate in outreach and evangelism.
  • Ivan* leads a team in creating Al Massira, a virtual discipleship experience for new followers of Jesus converting from Islam, so they’ll plant deep roots in Him and embrace His call to mission.
  • Jill* evangelises among rough sleepers in London.
  • Jon and Tessa* run Adventure Plus, an outdoor education charity that encourages young people to embrace the adventure that the Christian faith offers.
  • Rico* leads the Christianity Explored Ministry, which designs videos and courses for churches to guide seekers through the Gospels and answer Jesus’ call. We’re also helping fund translation and printing Discipleship Explored Prison materials and training prison volunteers.
  • Selam* evangelises among asylum seekers in London.
  • Tim* equips graduating students across the world for fruitful witnessing in the workplace.
  • Rachel* evangelises among musicians in Austria and supports outreach concerts across the continent.
Middle East
  • The PARS Theological Centre serves countries like Iran, where the church is experiencing remarkable growth despite persecution. We’re helping fund their theology and leadership training of Iranian students to further strengthen the church.
  • Resurrection Church in Beirut, Lebanon is providing hope in a time of crisis. We’re helping fund practical care, spiritual support and education for 120 vulnerable children so they and their families can have stability and a path forward.
  • ‘Anon’* supports Scripture translation and distribution in local languages, while his wife serves at a centre for children with special needs with other believers.
Central Asia
  • ‘A couple’* supports churches in Central Asia by sending out short-term mission teams across the region, mentoring Christian entrepreneurs to grow their influence, and sharing the Good News through social media campaigns.
  • ‘Anon’* trains students in different cultural contexts to engage with Scripture more vigorously.
West Asia
  • ‘A couple’* is translating the Bible into the ‘Mountainese’ dialect.
  • Wycliffe Bible Translators is committed for everyone, whatever language they speak, to know Jesus through the Bible. We’re helping fund the translation of the Bible into a West Asian language whose people group are yet unreached.
South Asia
  • ‘A couple’* work with South Asian communities and their diasporas to translate the Bible into Muslim languages.
  • ‘Anon’*, based in the UK, consult for South Asian social businesses for women at risk of trafficking and mentor women to see the hope that Jesus offers.
  • ‘Anon’* supports believers and churches in South Asia through expository Bible teaching and discipleship.
  • The ‘M Refuge’ provides abused or abandoned women and children with practical care and spiritual support. We’re helping fund training for nurses at their medical centre and Christmas outreach into the community.
  • Release International supports persecuted Christians in countries like India, where ‘anti-conversion’ laws have resulted in hundreds of Christian pastors being imprisoned. We’re helping fund legal aid and pastoral support for them and their families.
South East Asia
  • ‘Anon’*, based in the UK, works in multimedia to encourage Christians to pray for Muslims in South East Asia.
  • OMF is working to bring Cambodian people to God and helping them follow Jesus in every aspect of their lives. Cambodia’s recent traumatic history has made the need for counselling service complex and critical, and we’re helping fund the training of Christian Cambodian counsellors to provide services in their own language at an affordable price.
  • Open Doors support persecuted Christians in countries like Myanmar, where scattered believers need to be equipped to stand firm in their faith. We’re helping fund training for pastors to disciple and strengthen new believers.
  • ‘A couple’*, based in South East Asia, mentor East Asian missionaries to develop resilience in their mission fields.
East Asia
  • Richard and Catherine*, based in London, make and strengthen disciples among the Japanese diaspora in the UK to grow the Japanese church.
South America
  • Hannah H* teaches theology and Bible-handling at an Uruguayan Seminary, to raise up new Christian leaders in what is currently most secular Latin American nation.
  • ‘Anon’* supports community development projects, such as anti-human trafficking work, domestic violence prevention and increasing crop yield for small-scale farmers, in North Africa.
  • The Kisiizi Hospital in Uganda provides healthcare, motivated by Christ-inspired compassion, to an impoverished community, and we’ve recently funded two new ceiling theatre lights to maximise the operation room’s capacity.
  • Michelle* serves as a paediatric nurse at a rural Zambian hospital, witnessing for Jesus to children and their families.
  • St. Julian’s Centre trains Bishops and Word-workers to preach God’s Word faithfully across Kenya, and we’re helping fund training sessions and conferences.

‘They kidnapped my husband three times. They made him sell each time one of our properties. They took the apartment and our car. Finally, they told my husband, “If you don’t convert to Islam, we will take away one of the children.” When the children started school, their education definitely made a difference. It made a difference to me psychologically and emotionally. God blessed me in regards to the children’s schooling. How merciful God is to us. He blessed us indeed.’

– A mum whose daughter is being educated thanks to a scholarship from Resurrection Church in Lebanon that we helped fund

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