
Prayer Meetings

Prayer, both individual and corporate, underpins the work of All Souls.

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Prayer lies at the very heart of a Christian’s relationship with the living God and we want to encourage one another in the discipline and joy of daily prayer. We make sure it is a feature of our coming together as a church family each Sunday and at our Prayer Gathering.

If you would like someone to pray with you, visit the connect corner after each of our Sunday services where someone will be available to pray with you.


Prayer Gathering

Tuesdays, 7.00pm–8.00pm (usually first Tuesday of the month)
All Souls Langham Place

A time to pray for the work of All Souls, hear updates from Mission Partners and news of what is happening across the parish. Open to everyone.

Next Prayer Gathering:

1 April 2025

Meets in All Souls Church


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Hearing loop

8am Prayer Meeting

Monday–Friday, 8.00am–8.20am

Join with other members of the All Souls Church family each weekday morning, starting each day with prayer together.

Meets online. Link is in the Family News email sent out to partners each Thursday.

ASLAN Prayer Meeting

Sundays, 4.00pm–5.00pm (second Sunday of the month)
All Souls Langham Place

Praying for our witness to the world around us through our ministry to people affected by homelessness.

Meets in the Langham Room

Global Prayer Meeting

Sundays, 4.00pm–5.00pm (third Sunday of the month)
All Souls Langham Place

Each month, guest speakers from various mission fields around the world come to lead us in prayer for God to move and the gospel to flourish 'among the nations'.

Meets in the Langham Room

Evangelism and Outreach Prayer Meeting

Wednesdays, 7.00am–8.00am

Praying for our witness to the world around us.

Meets online. If you’d like to join, please email us and we will send you the details.

The Prayer Diary

A guide to praying for the staff, ministries and mission partners of All Souls is published annually – printed copies are available at church or subscribe via the Prayermate app.

If you would like a digital version of the prayer diary, please email to request a copy.