
Pastoral Care

Supporting the church family through all stages of life.

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“A new command I give you: love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”

John 14:34-35

“Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfil the law of Christ.”

Galatians 6:2

“Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom...”

Colossians 3:16


Pastoral Care at All Souls

Because All Souls is a large church, we encourage all partners of All Souls to be involved in a Life Group. The aim of all our Life Groups is to care for one another and to build one another up in the Lord Jesus Christ, as we feed on God’s word and call on God in prayer. As the Scriptures above make plain, pastoral care is the responsibility of every Christian believer. We are all to bear one another’s burdens. Consequently, our Life Groups should be the principal place where we can give and access pastoral care.

However, we recognise that some pastoral issues are complex and deep-seated, and members of the Ministry Team are on hand to support Life Group leaders and Church family members if required. Sometimes this may involve professional counselling and we are committed to supporting members of All Souls who need this. If you are an All Souls church partner and would like to know how you can access professional counselling please contact us and we can send you the relevant information.


Life Groups

We’d love everyone in the church family to be in a Life Group. We believe in a big church that this is the primary place where we get to know each other and show love and support. If you are facing a particularly difficult time, please speak to your Life Group leader as they can help you think through other options you may like to consider.


Prayer is available after all Sunday services. If you would like someone to pray with you, visit the Connect Corner where someone will be available to pray with you.

Quiet Days

Quiet days and the quiet weekend are organised throughout the year. These times offer a place for individuals to come away from the busyness of London life and reflect, read and pray in a way that is less easily done on a daily basis.

Visiting Team

The visiting team is available to visit those who are elderly or housebound and unable to regularly attend church anymore. If you or someone you know would appreciate being visited semi regularly, please fill out the form to request a visit and someone will get in touch with you.

Life Groups

In such a big family, where do you fit in? Life Groups are a key part of All Souls family life. Through them we support and encourage one another in our lives as Christians in the heart of the city.