
Upcoming Events

See what events are coming up at All Souls.

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Post 5.30 Bible and Board Games
Post 5.30 Bible and Board Games
8 September 2024 6:45pm
Bible and Board Games allows people at the 5.30 service to meet to play board games and chew over the sermon a bit more in a relaxed atmosphere. There's space to chat if you don't want to play board games.
Women's Bible Study
11 September 2024 9:30am
Our weekly Bible Study for women of all ages.
Open House Festival
14 September 2024 10:00am
As part of the Open House Festival, All Souls will be opening its doors to the public to celebrate both the architecture of our building and the home of gospel ministry it has been for the last 200 years.
18 September 2024 6:45pm
Roots is our one-year discipleship course, helping you to know Christ better.
Quiet Day
21 September 2024 10:00am
Join us for a time of prayer and reflection at St Peter’s Bourne, led by Penny Clayden. Spaces limited - book at the link.
Men's Breakfast
28 September 2024 10:00am
An opportunity for men at All Souls to gather together. Professor John Gibbon speak on the topic of men and maturity. Begins with a time of fellowship and a light breakfast at 10am, before the talk at 10.30am. All men are welcome. Come along for coffee, croissants and conversation. (Please note the new time!)
Christianity Explored
7 October 2024 7:00pm
An informal course designed to give you space to consider who Jesus is, what His aims were and what it means to follow him today.
Women's Coffee Break
12 October 2024 10:30am
Join us at our next women’s breakfast as Melinda Hendry speaks on the topic ‘An unhurried life, an unhurried heart: Jesus’ invitation to our frenetic lives and anxious hearts’. Come along for a relaxed morning of socialising and meeting together.
Post 5.30 Bible and Board Games
Post 5.30 Bible and Board Games
13 October 2024 6:45pm
Bible and Board Games allows people at the 5.30 service to meet to play board games and chew over the sermon a bit more in a relaxed atmosphere. There's space to chat if you don't want to play board games.
Christianity Explored
14 October 2024 7:00pm
An informal course designed to give you space to consider who Jesus is, what His aims were and what it means to follow him today.
Christianity Explored
21 October 2024 7:00pm
An informal course designed to give you space to consider who Jesus is, what His aims were and what it means to follow him today.
Christianity Explored
28 October 2024 7:00pm
An informal course designed to give you space to consider who Jesus is, what His aims were and what it means to follow him today.
Christianity Explored
4 November 2024 7:00pm
An informal course designed to give you space to consider who Jesus is, what His aims were and what it means to follow him today.
Post 5.30 Bible and Board Games
Post 5.30 Bible and Board Games
10 November 2024 6:45pm
Bible and Board Games allows people at the 5.30 service to meet to play board games and chew over the sermon a bit more in a relaxed atmosphere. There's space to chat if you don't want to play board games.
Christianity Explored
11 November 2024 7:00pm
An informal course designed to give you space to consider who Jesus is, what His aims were and what it means to follow him today.
Quiet Morning
16 November 2024 9:00am
As we approach Christmas, spend some time in reflection and listening to God at the online Quiet Morning. Julia Lewis will lead our time.
Men's Breakfast
16 November 2024 10:00am
An opportunity for men at All Souls to gather together. Begins with a time of fellowship and a light breakfast at 10am, before a short talk on a topical issue at 10.30am. All men are welcome. Come along for coffee, croissants and conversation.
Christianity Explored
18 November 2024 7:00pm
An informal course designed to give you space to consider who Jesus is, what His aims were and what it means to follow him today.
More to Explore
25 November 2024 7:00pm
An informal course designed to give you space to consider who Jesus is, what His aims were and what it means to follow him today.
More to Explore
2 December 2024 7:00pm
An informal course designed to give you space to consider who Jesus is, what His aims were and what it means to follow him today.
Post 5.30 Bible and Board Games
Post 5.30 Bible and Board Games
8 December 2024 6:45pm
Bible and Board Games allows people at the 5.30 service to meet to play board games and chew over the sermon a bit more in a relaxed atmosphere. There's space to chat if you don't want to play board games.
Post 5.30 Bible and Board Games
Post 5.30 Bible and Board Games
12 January 2025 6:45pm
Bible and Board Games allows people at the 5.30 service to meet to play board games and chew over the sermon a bit more in a relaxed atmosphere. There's space to chat if you don't want to play board games.
Men's Breakfast
18 January 2025 10:00am
An opportunity for men at All Souls to gather together. Begins with a time of fellowship and a light breakfast at 10am, before a short talk on a topical issue at 10.30am. All men are welcome. Come along for coffee, croissants and conversation.
Women's Coffee Break
Women's Coffee Break
25 January 2025 10:30am
Join us for a relaxed morning of socialising and meeting together as we hear from members in our church family about how the Lord’s story became their stories.

New to All Souls?

Newcomers to All Souls are invited to come along to a Welcome Evening. Hear our history and vision, meet others and learn how to find your place in the church family.