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Portraits from a Prison Cell

Philippians Study Guide

‘Portraits from a Prison Cell’ is a video series going hand in hand with the Philippians study guide, designed by the All Souls Youth minister, Trevor Pearce. The study guide and video series are designed for youth and youth leaders alike to understand the book of Philippians and apply truths to the lives of young people.

The study guide is a useful resource for leading studies and going through the book of Philippians. The video series is a practical addition, discussing the real-life challenges in applying the truths found in Philippians to the daily lives of young people around the world today.

1. Philippians in Three Words

Join Tim, Priya and Trevor as they attempt to summarise Paul’s letter to the Philippians in just three words.

2. Who Are Yer?

Identity is a topic that many struggle with in the world today. Join Tim, Priya and Trevor as they examine what the identity of a Christ follower is. 

Discussing Philippians 1:1-11

3. Everywhere a Mission Field

Tim interrogates Trev to understand how Paul made the most of every opportunity, whatever the circumstances, to tell others about the good news.

Discussing Philippians 1:12-30

4. True Joy

Tim and Priya challenge Trev to understand how Paul found true joy.

Discussing Philippians 2:1-5

5. Serving Like The Son

Why and how did Paul think, act and serve like Jesus did? Should we aim to be doing the same? Tim pushes Trevor for answers.

Discussing Philippians 2:5-11

6. Exalting Like The Father

Previously looking at serving like Jesus, now Priya and Trevor explore what the Father values.

Discussing Philippians 2:1-5, 8-11

7. God At Work

Paul raises the bar high for how a follower of Christ is meant to live. Are the expectations too high, or even impossible? Tim pushes Trev for answers.

Discussing Philippians 2:12-18

8. Sketches of a Gospel Partner

Priya and Trev look at two inspiring examples of individuals who followed Christ and partnered with Paul in serving others.

Discussing Philippians 2:19-30

9. Jesus Muzzles the Dangerous Dogs

Paul gives a strong warning, but the terminology can be difficult to understand. Tim and Trev examine what Paul is warning the Church in Phillipi.

Discussing Philippians 3:1-14

10. Your Examples & Your Enemies

Tim and Trevor compare the two portraits Paul is painting. Those who love the Lord and the enemies of the cross.

Discussing Philippians 3:13-21

11. Gospel Joy Destroys Disunity

Priya and Trevor explore God’s answer to disunity, and how it can work today.

Discussing Philippians 4:1-9

12. Joyful Gospel Contentment

The world seems to bring many definitions to the word, contentment. Join Priya, Tim and Trevor for their closing discussion on Philippians, what does the Bible mean by contentment?

Discussing Philippians 4:10-23

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